
Let's capture some of why we loved Wilke so much. As one friend of his put it:

"...write up an anecdote – some story where they watched Wilke build up into righteous anger when reporting a story... or ironing out a crease in the fabric of the Journal bureau... And someone should talk about him tearing up when he described taking his kid to college…..Or when he became nearly inconsolable when the anthrax story came back and cost him two fantastic seats at the Nats-Mets game. Describe a time he filled in for people, picked up their loads for them, counseled them, slipped them incredible sources, shared bylines... that will keep him alive and you (and the rest of us) afloat."

Post comments or photos here.


Celebrating John on Saturday Night

Many of you have asked about opportunities to celebrate our friend John Wilke's life and to honor his memory. This Saturday, May 30, you'll have the chance to do both, as well as something else Wilke loved to do--dance.

Please join us that evening for a music-filled fundraiser in honor of Wilke at the American Legion Hall Post #8, 224 D Street S.E., in Washington, D.C. Three bands will perform, and friends of Wilke will tell tales of his wit, sagacity, passion, and inability--correction, unwillingness--to deliver a story on anybody's schedule but his own.

Doors will open at 7. Music will begin at 8. Cash bar. Minimum contribution: $50 per person.

All proceeds will be contributed to the education of John and Nancy's two children, Robin and Jackson.

Neil King, Helene Cooper, Eric London, Bryan Gruley

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thank you setting up yet another event. You all are the best!
    We look forward to meeting you this Saturday. --Brother Mark
